We are a Medicaid and Managed Medicaid Provider for all service lines. We will assist with assessing your loved one’s eligibility for these services to be covered.

14 with an age range of 11-17. Exceptions are made on a case by case basis.
A typical day at DTAC’s residential program starts with wake-up, daily hygiene, and room maintenance, and then proceeds with the residents attending morning group which focuses on the following topics: conflict resolution, daily goal setting, and positive framing to help initiate a healthy, productive day. The morning routine is then followed up with breakfast, school, life skills training, lunch, free time, and then school again. Residents then gather in groups to formulate goal setting and planning for the remainder of the evening. The evening is comprised of recreational time, journals/taskwork/schoolwork completion, showers, dinner, unit duties, and therapeutic group sessions. Residents partake at various times during the evening, in individual and family sessions, phone calls, and personal or group incentives. Residents are afforded some time at the end of the evening for free time to watch TV, play games, or complete additional work should they choose. A brief night group session occurs to review the evening, talk about the positive elements of the day, and review any issues that they want to resolve in the morning group session.
This will depend on several different factors and the answer will be different for every resident. It is important for every resident to know that the level of motivation they put into their treatment will directly relate to the amount of time they spend or need to spend away from their home and out of the community.
DTAC will potentially bill private insurance, medical assistance, and counties to which our residents were residing prior to placement. DTAC does not bill families directly for services provided. It will be important though for you to know what your insurance providers and local counties policies and procedures are in relations to billing.
We prefer that residents have no more than one visit a week. Special circumstances will be taken into consideration but need to be discussed with the entire treatment team prior to be approved. With that in mind, we ask for two weeks’ notice to review and make sure adequate coverage is available.
Families are permitted to call in to check on their son as often as they feel comfortable through the initial 30 days. Each resident will start with 10 minutes of talk time per week which will be scheduled during specific days and times. Families will also receive calls with the resident’s caseworker and will be given the opportunity to talk at that time.
Home passes will start when all the team members are in agreement that doing so would not jeopardize the residents progress in treatment or indirectly affect the physical and psychological well being of those within the home. Team members may include resident, family, county representatives, judges, legal representation, funding sources, and DTAC staff members.
A list of clothing recommendations will be provided upon a resident’s acceptance to DTAC. Clothing depicting drugs, alcohol, violence, sexual, or otherwise inappropriate references are strictly prohibited. All bedding, personal hygiene items, and entertainment needs are provided. Electronics, books, magazines, and photos are prohibited. It is also recommended that any important personal items be left at home or will be kept with the resident’s caseworker.
All visitors must be approved by the treatment team. Initially, we asked that visits be only with immediate family members. No siblings will be permitted to visit in the initial stages of treatment. Upon successful completion of treatment plan goals, privileges may be extended.
When families come for a visit, we asked that they only bring a snack or small meal. Anything that families bring will need to go home with them at the conclusion of the visit. DTAC takes great strides to make sure all your child’s needs are met, and we are bound by specific regulations about what is allowable and what is not in a residential facility.
COVID-19 has affected to some extent our off-sites, family visitations times, and our home pass abilities based on certain county restrictions. All residents go through a strict screening process prior to admission and will be required to wear masks at certain parts of their treatment experience. COVID has increased our sanitation processes and increased the number of family contacts.
No, residents do not need any money while at DTAC. Residents will earn an allowance after their first week and will also be able to participate in additional wage-earning activities. Residents will be asked to pay for portions of certain off-site activities and some daily living expenses as an independent living exercise. DTAC cautions families when their son would request money as we would never withhold an activity from a child who had earned it.

Elementary and Middle School age (but the age range is Pre-School to High School).
A day at DTAC’s PHP program starts with a daily goal setting in a group therapy format. After that, the clients will participate in the following activities in an order that is dependent on each client. Small group therapeutic activities facilitated by caseworkers, topic-specific group psychotherapy sessions facilitated and co-facilitated by the mental health professional staff, individual therapy with a caseworker and/or mental health professional, on-site education for approximately 2 hours, socialization, and recreational activities. Each individual has a carefully crafted treatment plan including daily opportunities for individualized incentives & motivational reinforcers. The staff closely monitor the client’s progress towards their individualized incentive program, goal setting, and individualized therapeutic task work ensuring that progress is directly aligned with their treatment plan goals. The program incorporates strategic family therapy which is facilitated and led by the mental health professional staff to include the family in the treatment of their child, of which, the frequency is determined by the needs of the youth and their family.
7 hours on average.
5 days a week.
ARRTS is an after-school program designed to provide children with community-based mental health treatment & skills building activities. The program starts with daily group check-in sessions facilitated by the mental health counseling staff to assess daily therapeutic needs. The needs assessments are based on the overall physical appearance, participation level, and emotional regulation skills displayed by each group participant. After the daily check-in session, the children will participate in group and/or individual therapies which include therapeutic task work & assignments based on individualized treatment goals.
ARRTS is an after-school program that runs for 3 – 4 hours.
1 – 4 days depending on the child’s individualized needs.
Yes, we utilize DTAC vehicles, Medicaid Covered Transportation, and School District Transportation, depending on the program.