For children and adolescents who are struggling with mental health issues or who are in need of behavioral health services, DTAC’s outpatient treatment programs can provide appropriate therapeutic interventions for youth between the ages of 2 and 17 (with the potential to serve up to 21 years of age) so that they can begin to heal. Outpatient programs allow clients to live at home, in foster care, or in a host home while receiving treatment at one of our outpatient facilities. Our outpatient programs include the following:

  • Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP)
  • Abuse Resolution and Recovery Treatment Services (ARRTS)
  • Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS)
  • Delaware Outpatient

Learn more about DTAC’s outpatient treatment programs in PA and DE by reaching out to us at 570.524.0307.

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DTAC’s Outpatient Treatment Programs

Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP)

DTAC’s Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) are intensive, multi-disciplinary programs that focus on individuals from ages 5 to 18 struggling with emotional, behavioral, and developmental issues. These 5-day per week school day programs keep children in their homes and communities to prevent more restrictive placements. PHP provides individualized education and utilizes individual, group, and family therapies.

Abuse Resolution and Recovery Treatment Services (ARRTS)

ARRTS addresses traumatic experiences that lead to mood and behavioral disturbances. This trauma tends to include sexual, emotional, and physical abuse. This complex treatment utilizes psychotherapy modalities to keep children in their communities and school programs. The ARRTS program offers individual, group, and family therapy services as part of the treatment course.

Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS)

Our Behavior Health Technician, Behavior Consultation, Mobile Therapy, and ABA staff offer behavioral interventions for our clients and their families to improve their social, emotional, and behavioral issues. Individual, group, and ABA interventions target the strengths of clients to teach them appropriate coping skills. This helps us transfer learned skills and interventions to the client’s natural support systems and also improve overall behavior. These services are provided in homes, schools, and/or a variety of community-based environments.

Delaware Outpatient

This clinical program provides traditional outpatient therapy to children and adolescents.

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Our Outpatient Treatment Program Locations

Williamsport Outpatient Treatment Center

Williamsport, PA

Williamsport, PA: Our Partial Hospitalization and ARRTS Programs in Williamsport are located in a building that formerly functioned as an elementary school, with nearly 15,000 square feet of recently rejuvenated interior space. Located on a beautiful property with nearly 10 acres, this is the perfect, refreshing space that our clients need.

Bloomsburg Outpatient Treatment Center

Bloomsburg, PA

Bloomsburg, PA: Our ARRTS Program in Bloomsburg is located in what was previously a school, as such the space is uniquely constructed for our clients’ needs. Conveniently located within a close proximity to the clients we serve.

Milton Outpatient Treatment Center

Milton, PA

Milton, PA: The Milton site serves as a central administrative location for DTAC, a central hub for IBHS clinicians and houses members of the senior leadership team.

Dover Outpatient Treatment Center

Dover, DE

Dover, DE: Our facility located in Dover is DTAC’s newest outpatient center, offering tailored services to the clients in a safe and comfortable therapy setting. Serving clients in Kent, New Castle, and Sussex Counties.

DTAC’s outpatient programs serve children in Pennsylvania’s Northumberland, Columbia, Montour, Snyder, Union, Lycoming and Clinton Counties.

Sunbury Outpatient Treatment Program

Sunbury, PA

Located in Sunbury, PA, our Partial Hospitalization and ARRTS Programs take place in a former elementary school building, providing a unique and comfortable space to meet our client’s needs.

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Treatment Modalities

DTAC utilizes a clinical approach that integrates recognized behavioral and cognitive therapies. Treatment modalities may include weekly individual psychotherapy provided by a mental health professional, daily counseling sessions facilitated by nationally certified treatment specialists, and weekly family therapy sessions depending on assessed client need. We also provide curriculum-based groups in a rotation based on client needs identified through assessment instruments like the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS®) and the UCLA PTSD Index for Trauma.

Based on the trauma-related needs of many of our clients, trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) is often utilized in treatment.

Our programs also employ a comprehensive intervention strategy to improve behaviors rooted in proactive responses, rather than a reactionary method. This process and philosophy occur through the following activities:

  • The implementation of a therapeutic community model of treatment advocating a youth-to-youth feedback process supervised by professional staff.
  • A high level of individual involvement between the youth and staff in the areas of cognitive therapy, recreational therapy, and individual and group psychotherapy.
  • The use of natural and logical consequences for irresponsible behavior.
  • The facilitation of techniques via the lecture series of curriculum programs to solve conflict effectively.
  • The progression of individual responsibilities and incentives as incorporated into the phase system.
  • The implementation of structural therapy sessions to deal with therapeutic issues that have fostered resentment, anger, and hurt.
  • Weekly therapeutic task assignments that focus on specific needs according to the clients’ treatment plan.
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Learn More – Contact DTAC Today

Learn more about our outpatient treatment programs in PA by contacting  Diversified Treatment Alternative Centers today. At DTAC, we are committed to helping every child, adolescent, and family change their lives, and we invite you to take a look at the outcomes of our outpatient treatment program. Contact us at 570.524.0307 or by using our secure online form.