At Diversified Treatment Alternative Centers, our admissions process is designed to be as simple and timely as possible so that our clients can receive the help they need. At every step of the process, our team is on hand to answer your questions and help you and your child access needed care. Whether your child is entering an outpatient or residential program, our admissions team will make sure they are in the right treatment progam for their unique needs.

Reach out at 570.524.0307 to learn more about the Diversified Treatment Alternative Centers admissions process.

Children and adolescents admitted to the programs typically suffer from mild to moderate emotional distress and may have psychiatric diagnoses such as depression, ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder, and/or anxiety/mood disorders from their childhood. Many have significant issues with their family of origin, and most have experienced prior victimization. Additionally, many of our clients lack adequate life skills and require education and training in independent living skills. Adolescents referred to DTAC’s programs often have a history of experiencing traumatic life events and have subsequently begun to exhibit acting out behaviors.
DTAC reviews each client’s referral on a case by case basis to determine the appropriateness of fit.

Referral Process
Below are the steps needed to join a DTAC program:
Step 1
Give us a call, and our administrative assistant will gather your information and share it with the admissions team.
Step 2
A clinical reviewer makes a preliminary decision as to whether the prospective client meets the criteria of the program.
Step 3
Once the clinical reviewer accepts the referral, an administrative assistant will reach back out to you to schedule an interview.
Step 4
The clinical reviewer interviews the prospective client alongside their parent or guardian, if the reviewer determines that the client is a good clinical fit, they are accepted, and it is determined which service line fits the client best. There may be additional steps needed depending on the client.
Step 5
The date of admission is scheduled and the client starts the program on the established date.

“I was there from the end of 1992 to march of 1996 and this place and the staff made me into the man I am today. I appreciate everything they did for me.”
– Richard
“The place changed my life and I am thankful I went there. Thank you to all of my favorite staff members who helped me out a ton. I really liked this place.”
– Johnny
“I would recommend this place. The staff is friendly and very helpful. They get to the root of the problems and have the solutions to fix them. The stay can last for many months. The staff was always flexible to meet my schedule. They treat every resident as an individual not a number.”
– Cliffbair
“Eric struggled his entire life with autism and other diagnoses, and no matter what help we found for him we didn’t see much improvement. I felt that the bottom had dropped out of our lives when he was placed in residential treatment, however, it has shown to be the best thing for him. I am constantly amazed by his growth and maturity gained at DTAC. He struggled a lot in the beginning, but the staff at DTAC always had faith in him and fostered his growth by helping him through difficult situations. His relationship with the staff is amazing; and I am extremely impressed by his counselor, who has devoted so much time to him. I know my son is happy and safe where he is, and am confident that his growth will continue.”
– Parent of Client
“The staff is very knowledgeable and shows your child that they care about their well-being.”
– Parent of Client
“The staff in this program goes above and beyond to take the time to listen to the issues going on in your family, not just with the child.”
– Parent of Client
“ARRTS is a safe place to come and get help.”
– Emma
“Staff cares a lot about the kids here and does a lot to help them. No matter their situation and background story, every kid has a place here.”
– Kristie
“The counselors really help me a lot and they have helped me and my family become closer.”
– Sara
“This program is the best program I’ve been through in a long time. It has helped me through problems I never thought I had, it made me learn more about myself. It has also helped me build connections that I will always appreciate.”
– Aiden
“DTAC has turned my life completely around… Coming to DTAC was a big eye-opener. I never really knew how much I was hurting others and at the time did not even care… These wonderful staff have been able to help me build up way better relationships with my family… I have a couple weeks left and I am proud to leave here the person I am today.”
– Lew
“DTAC has done a lot for me in the time I’ve been here. I’ve had a lot of problems in my past and DTAC has helped me address and work to solve a lot of these problems. DTAC helped me improve my relationship with my father… Empathy is something that has been really encouraged at DTAC and that is huge for me. In the past, I struggled with displaying any empathy and I was a very selfish person… Since being in treatment, I’ve found myself stepping out of my “self-centered” mindset and being able to share the feelings of others.”
– Mathew
“Since coming to DTAC I’ve made a lot of progress. The staff here has helped me with a lot… DTAC has been doing really well bringing me and my family closer together… The DTAC staff have impacted me a lot with everything, they inspire me a lot. There is a couple of staff I see as family because they mean so much to me.”
– Lee

Learn More About the Diversified Treatment Alternative Centers Admissions Process
Find out more about how to refer a client, program specifics, and information about insurance and payment by contacting DTAC. In our residential and outpatient programs, children and adolescents in need of mental and behavioral health services can begin to heal and work towards a brighter future. Reach out to DTAC today at 570.524.0307 or by using our secure online form, and find out how we can change your child’s life today.